

Connect Beacon with 
Automatically import your donations, donors, and fundraisers into Beacon.
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The world's most trusted online giving platform directly integrated with your CRM

JustGiving is a widely recognised brand and is used by over 45,000 charities worldwide. Beacon makes it a breeze to manage fundraising pages, events, and to make sure you keep in touch with donors who engage with your organisation through JustGiving.

Import fundraisers

Create a new person in Beacon when someone creates a new fundraising page.

Import donations

When someone makes a donation in JustGiving, Beacon will automatically add the donation as a Payment in Beacon.

Import fundraising pages

When someone creates a new fundraising page on JustGiving, a new fundraising page record is created in Beacon with all the details you need to keep in touch

Import events

Beacon will create events in your database for the JustGiving events that don't already exist in Beacon.

Import appeals

Beacon will even create a campaign in your database for each appeal you have in JustGiving, allowing you to easily keep track of the donations made across each one

Stored the way you want

You can customise the data that you set in Beacon when records are created. Ensure that data is categorised in the right way for your reporting.

Discover what’s possible with a fully integrated CRM.